2 JUNE 2023
Open Presentation:
New connections through accessible theater
The six plays written by the participants of the Liminal workshop were finally presented at Choros (Plateia Theatrou, Athens) through a reading of the texts by professional actors followed by an open discussion between the creators, the audience and theater professionals.
The event had accessibility services such as: Accessible venue for wheelchair users, interpretation in Greek Sign Language and printing of the texts for D/deaf and Hard-of-Hearing and audio description of the space and setting for visually impaired people.
A very positive experience for both the writers, who had a safe space to showcase their work and receive feedback without fear of failure or judgment, and the audience, excited to witness something new and unique.
The people involved, from different backgrounds and cities, not only learned how to narrate a story on stage, but also built an empathetic and sensitive community, actively seeking to understanding each other’s unique perspective, influence each other’s writing, and to find a way to accommodate everyone, with and without disability, in the arts.
In addition, two of the six original short plays were particularly interesting in terms of creative accessibility, as they were written by writers with visual impairment that used elements of audio description in their text and character building.
In the end, this enthusiasm led the writers to continue their work also after the end of the seminar and the audience to consider participating in a possible next edition of the workshop.