11 JUNE 2023
Open Presentation:

A walk through the memories of Lomba

With the aim of developing an artistic work that explores new perspectives on the city from its places and memories, Circolando has, since the beginning of the project, held different artistic workshops with people from Bonfim – a plastic arts workshop (dramaturgical development from the collected photographic archive, leaded by Tânia Dinis), a photography and video workshop (led by Susana Lage) and a workshop of sound design and music production (led by Artur Carvalho) – the results of which were presented during a walk-performance, which took place with guided tours, on 22nd April for the general public and on 27th April for educational service groups.
This transdisciplinary presentation (dramaturgy, image and music), involving a group of young residents, inhabitants or frequenters of the parish, followed a route through different streets, houses and places that are part of the history and identity of Lomba, exploring memories of work, sport, leisure and the social dynamics that have shaped the generational experience of the place.
At the end of the project, the residents expressed their appreciation, confirming its relevance and their heartfelt involvement, while the young people maintained an autonomous relationship with the place, visiting and frequenting the spaces of the neighbourhood.